Why Did I Die?
Add to Cart A Case For Road Traffic Accident Victims
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There is a time to live and a time to DIE... While we might not like to talk about it, death becomes us all. Some live long lives and die very peaceful deaths, while others experience a more traumatic ending. This book tells the stories of real life people who died before their time as a result of road traffic accidents. While their deaths are unfortunate, we seek to learn from their stories so that we may save others from the same sad fate.



2023-07-05 17:34:54

CSI meets the Ugandan Book World

This book is like watching an episode of CSI (Crime Scene Investigation). It is intriguing and captivating while at the same time heartbreaking. To think that all of these people could have easily avoided death with only a few minor safety precautions is sad. I believe this book can be a driving force to effect change on roads and workplaces within Uganda and the continent. May it shed light and get into the right hands of those who can do something about it!

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